Monday, February 14, 2011

Come and learn about your birthing options....

"Born in the USA" and select scenes from "Laboring Under An Illusion,MassMediaChildbirth vs The Real Thing"
                                                    February 24, 2011
                                                 Film starts at 6:30 PM
                     Woodward Park Library Auditorium, 944 East Perrin Ave.

Childbirth Resource Network presents "Born in the USA", a 60 minute documentary film about three birth caregivers—a obstetrician, a nurse-midwife, and a licensed homebirth midwife—each with a dramatically different idea about what constitutes best care for birthing women. Learn how they see their work and what factors—medical, legal, and cultural—influence women's choices in the birthing room.
We will also be showing select scenes from" Laboring Under an Illusion, Mass Media Childbirth vs. The Real Thing". This documentary explores media-generated myths about childbirth and how our culture affects our birth experiences. The result is hilarious, engaging, and enlightening.
Stay for a discussion, and meet the local birth professionals that serve the Central Valley.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Welcome to the world baby Starla!!

Your mommy and daddy are sooo happy you are here!!! Thank you letting me share in your beautiful birth, Kellee. I sincerely hope that my future clients don't beat your record of shortest birth!! It's been such a joy getting to know you!